About the Tuesday's photo page and Chris

About his status

Chris, was born and raised, in the City of Amsterdam the Netherlands, and working as system engineer in IT for over 40 years until now. He has a beautiful wife, son, and daughter in law, and two very special lovely grandsons.

About his sports career

He had an amateur sport career in several sports, for instance Judo, Jiu-Jitsu, Taekwondo (army duty), and was trainer in Ladies selve-defense, fitness and Youth-Soccer, to recall a few. Besides that, he represented a few players in their first steps, of soccer on amateur- and professional bases. Enough about Chris' personal status.


What does he wants to achieve with this page

With this paragraph he wants to tell other people, picture-wise, just a little more about of one of his hobbies,   For instance the reason he tried to create this photo page, is to show how he sees making pictures, of all, "objects" and people he met, from the beautiful and great places he has been, with or without his family, the last couple of years.

For the next few years he has the idea to promote, with pictures and blogs some special "gasts", on this site.


In July 2020 he had the idea to help young-